introduced and the first order of business
began....what do I do with leftover chicken....
Chicken Fajitas, of course. Green and red peppers
and onions are sauteed. Don't feel like chopping...
pick up some from a salad bar!
Add some salsa and thinly sliced chicken cut
into strips, and onto the tortilla that was microwaved.....
ready in 15 minutes!
...and the kid's begin the meal!
Next it is onto Tortilla Pizza, made with flatbread....
toppings are up to the imagination!
Fresh mozzarella is grated....keep it half frozen.
The pizza assembly line is in full set up and goes
into action. Thanks Nick and Dillon.
We need more cheese!
and out of the oven they come!
All of the kids were carded, and those old enough
were served sparkling........cider.
Which went with Pasta served with doctored
marinara sauce, accompanied by additional herbs
and spices, and the secret ingredient, cream.
Dining quickly ensued. But wait, there's more.....
a quick demonstration on authentic French Toast.
Real french bread, egged, pan-fried and plated...
...and don't forget the confectioner's sugar
(thanks Lauren)....
...or the syrup!
The kids stand up and stretch in preparation for the last course.
Onto the desserts, and the whip cream non-believers!
Chef Jen proved that experiment and then started
with twinkies to make a quick and tasty trifle!
The accompaniment was a home-made ice cream
filled cookie rolled in your favorite topping.
We asked the kids if they like it but they were
too busy, ummmmmmm, to answer!
The evening ended with parents heading to the
grocery store to buy tomorrow's dinner ingredients!
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