Monday, February 5, 2007

Showing a Little Class at Quality Street

Chef Phil with a little help
from his friends
making dessert.

Mike with an attentive audience learning about wine pairings.

Beef Wellington from the
Superbowl Party Class...
first we tray them.

Then they're heading to the oven
thanks to Chef Bobby.

Classic Wisconsin Beer Cheddar Soup
was just part of the course
taught at the Superbowl Fiesta.

Proper attire for making
winter desserts.

Salmon served over asparagus with a
lemon vinegarette dressing and
pine nuts....ummmmm.

Apple is the

...and here is the after.

Ryan gives the pot a

Chef Heath...not only does
he prepare a great Italian
medley...he also does a
great impersonation of
The Iron Chef.

These are just a few of the memories
that we have to share from our first month
of classes. Look for some new
images in February.

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